Resources valuable to our filmmaking process
Title Author Year City Publisher
Higher Admissions: The Rise, Decline, and Return of Standardized Testing (Our Compelling Interests) Lemann, Nicholas 2024 September Princeton, NJ Princeton University Press
College Admissions and Admissions Testing in a Time of Transformational Change Geisinger, Kurt F. 2023 New York, NY Routledge
An Age of Accountability - How Standardized Testing Came to Dominate American Schools and Compromise Education Rury, John L. 2023 New Brunswick, New Jersey Rutgers University Press
The Golden Ticket – A Life in College Admissions Essays Smith, Irena 2023 Phoenix, AZ She Writes Press
Poison Ivy: How Elite Colleges Divide Us Mandery, Evan 2022 New York, NY The New Press
Can College Level the Playing Field? Baum, Sandy, & McPherson, Michael 2022 Princeton, NJ Princeton University Press
After the Ivory Tower Falls: How College Broke the American Dream Bunch, Will 2022 New York, NY William Morrow
Breaking Ranks: How the Rankings Industry Rules Higher Education and What to Do about It Diver, Colin 2022 Baltimore Johns Hopkins University Press
Rethinking College Admissions - Research-Based Practice and Policy OiYan A. Poon and Michael N. Bastedo (Editors) 2022 Cambridge, MA Harvard Education Press
An Inconvenient Minority: The Attack on Asian American Excellence and the Fight for Meritocracy Xu, Kenny 2021 New York Diversion Books
Students First: Equity, Access, and Opportunity in Higher Education LeBlanc, Paul 2021 Cambridge, MA Harvard Education Press
What Universities Owe Democracy Daniels, Ronald 2021 Baltimore Johns Hopkins University Press
Guilty Admissions: The Bribes, Favors, and Phonies behind the College Cheating Scandal Laporte, Nicole 2021 New York Twelve / Hatchet Books
The Scandal of Standardized Tests: Why We Need to Drop the SAT and ACT Soares, Joseph A. 2020 New York, NY Teacher's College Press
Who Gets In and Why: A Year Inside College Admissions Selingo, Jeffrey 2020 New York, NY Scribner
The Tyranny of Merit: What's Become of the Common Good? Sandel, Michael J. 2020 New York, NY Farrar, Straus and Giroux
The Privileged Poor: How Elite Colleges Are Failing Disadvantaged Students Jack, Anthony Abraham 2020 Cambridge, MA Harvard University Press
The Merit Myth - How Our Colleges Favor the Rich and Divide America Carnevale, Anthony P., Schmidt, Peter & Strohl, Jeff 2020 New York, NY The New Press
Unacceptable: Privilege, Deceit & the Making of the College Admissions Scandal Korn, Melissa & Levitz, Jennifer 2020 New York Portfolio / Penguin
Opting Out: The Story of the Parents’ Grassroots Movement to Achieve Whole-Child Public Schools Hursh, David; Deutermann, Jeanette; Rudley, Lisa & Chen, Zhe 2020 Gorham, ME Myers Education Press
The Years That Matter Most: How College Makes or Breaks Us Tough, Paul 2019 Boston, MA Mariner Books
Measuring Success: Testing, Grades, and the Future of College Admissions Buckley, Jack; Letukas, Lynn & Wildavsky, Ben (eds.) 2018 Baltimore, MD Johns Hopkins University Press
Inheriting Possibility: Social Reproduction and Quantification in Education Dixon-Román, Ezekiel J 2017 Minneapolis, MN University of Minnesota Press
All the Wisdom and None of the Junk: Secrets of Applying for College Admission and Scholarships Craig, Katy & Kramer, Katie 2017 Seattle, WA CreateSpace Independent Publishing
The Testing Charade: Pretending to Make Schools Better Koretz, Daniel 2017 Chicago, Ill. University of Chicago Press
Beyond Test Scores: A Better Way to Measure School Quality Schneider, Jack 2017 Cambridge, MA Harvard University Press
The Death and ,Life of the Great American School System: How Testing and Choice Are Undermining Education (3rd edition) Ravitch, Diane 2016 New York, NY Basic Books
The Tyranny of the Meritocracy: Democratizing Higher Education in America Guinier, Lani 2015 Boston, MA Beacon Press
Where You Go Is Not Who You'll Be: An Antidote to the College Admissions Mania Bruni, Frank 2015 New York, NY Grand Central Publishing
The Test: Why Our Schools are Obsessed with Standardized Testing–But You Don’t Have to Be Kamenetz, Anya 2015 New York, NY PublicAffairs
Henry Chauncey: An American Life
Elliot, Norbet 2014 New York, NY Peter Lang Publishing
The Perfect Score Project: One Mother's Journey to Uncover the Secrets of the SAT Stier, Debbie 2014 New York, NY Harmony Books
Excellent Sheep: the miseducation of the American elite and the way to a meaningful life Deresiewicz, William 2014 New York, NY Free Press
The Better College Essay Stone, Elizabeth 2014 Westford, MA Wintergreen Orchard House
SAT Wars: the Case for Test-Optional Admissions
Soares, Joseph A 2012 New York, NY Teachers College Press
Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960-2010 Murray, Charles 2012 New York, NY Crown Forum
Everything School Leaders Need to Know About Assessment Popham, James W 2011 Thousand Oaks, CA Corwin
Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences Gardner, Howard 2011 New York, NY Basic Books; 3rd edition
Getting In: The Zinch Guide to College Admissions & Financial Aid in the Digital Age Cohen, Steve; Dwane, Anne; de Oliveira, Paulo; and Muska, Michael 2011 Hoboken, NJ Wiley Publishing
The Myths of Standardized Tests: Why They Don't Tell You What You Think They Do Harris, Phillip; Smith, Bruce M.; and Harris, Joan 2011 Lanham, MD Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
College Admission : From Application to Acceptance, Step by Step Mamlet, Robin 2011 New York, NY Random House
Rewarding Strivers: Helping Low-Income Students Succeed in College Kahlenberg, Richard (Ed.) 2010 New York, NY Century Foundation Books
Human Intelligence Hunt, Earl 2010 Cambridge, UK Cambridge University Press
How to Be a High School Superstar: A Revolutionary Plan to Get into College by Standing Out (Without Burning Out) Newport, Cal 2010 New York, NY Three Rivers Press
Making the Grades: My Misadventures in the Standardized Testing Industry Farley, Todd 2009 Oakland, CA Berrett-Koehler Publishers
Crossing the Finish Line: Completing College at America's Public Universities
Bowen, William; Chingos, Matthew M. & McPherson, Michael S 2009 Princeton, NJ Princeton University Press
No Longer Separate, Not Yet Equal: Race and Class in Elite College Admission and Campus Life Espenshade, Thomas J. and Radford, Alexandria Walton 2009 Princeton, NJ Princeton University Press
A Is for Admission: The Insider’s Gide to Getting into the Ivy League and Other Top Colleges (Revised ed.) Hernandez, Michele A 2009 New York, NY Grand Central Publishing
Real Education: Four Simple Truths for Bringing America's Schools Back to Reality Murray, Charles 2008 New York, NY Crown Forum
Measuring Up: What Educational Testing Really Tells Us Koretz, Daniel 2008 Cambridge, MA Harvard University Press
The Pursuit of Knowledge: Speeches and Papers of Richard C. Atkinson
Atkinson, Richard C. & Pelfrey, Patricia A 2007 Berkeley and Los Angeles, CA University of California Press
The Power of Privilege: Yale and America’s Elite Colleges Soares, Joseph A 2007 Stanford, CA Stanford University Press
The Price of Admission: How America's Ruling Class Buys Its Way into Elite Colleges--and Who Gets Left Outside the Gates Golden, Daniel 2006 New York, NY Crown Publishing
On a Scale: A Social History of Writing Assessment in America Elliot, Norbert 2005 New York, NY Peter Lang
College Unranked: ending the college admissions frenzy Thacker, Lloyd 2005 Cambridge, MA Harvard University Press
The Chosen: the Hidden History of Admission and Exclusion at Harvard, Yale, and Princeton Karabel, Jerome 2005 Boston, MA Houghton Mifflin
Choosing Students: Higher Education Admissions Tools for the 21st Century Camara, Wayne & Kimmel, Ernest W 2005 Mahwah, NJ Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
Rethinking the SAT: The Future of Standardized Testing in University Admissions
Zwick, Rebecca (Ed.) 2004 New York, NY RoutledgeFalmer
Beyond the Big Test: Noncognitive Assessment in Higher Education Sedlacek, William 2004 San Francisco, CA John Wiley & Sons
Kill the Messenger Phelps, Richard 2003 New Brunswick, NJ Transaction Publishers
The Gatekeepers: inside the admissions process of a premier college Steinberg, Jacques 2002 New York, NY Viking
Fair Game?: the Use of Standardized Admissions Tests in Higher Education Zwick, Rebecca 2002 New York, NY RoutledgeFalmer
The Truth About Testing: An Educator's Call to Action Popham, James W 2001 Alexandria, VA Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
The Case Against Standardized Testing: Raising the Scores, Ruining the Schools Kohn, Alfie (author) and Bridges, Lois (ed.) 2000 Portsmouth, NH Heinemann
Standardized Minds: the High Price of America's testing culture and what we can do to change it Sacks, Peter 1999 Cambridge, MA Perseus Books
None of the Above: the truth behind the SATs Owen, David & Doerr, Marilyn 1999 Lanham, MD Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
The Big Test: the Secret History of the American meritocracy
Lemann, Nicholas 1999 New York, NY Farrar, Straus and Giroux
The College Admissions Mystique Mayher, Bill 1998 New York, NY Farrar, Straus and Giroux
The Shape of the River: long-term consequences of considering race in college and university admissions Bowen, William G., and Bok, Derek Curtis 1998 Princeton, NJ Princeton University Press
The Mismeasure of Man
Gould, Stephen J 1996 New York, MY Norton
The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life Herrnstein, Richard & Murray, Charles 1994 New York, NY Free Press
Tyranny of Testing Hoffmann, Banesh 1978 Westport, CT Greenwood Press
The College Board; its first fifty years
Fuess, Claude M 1950 New York, NY Columbia University Press
A Study of Error
Brigham, Carl C 1932 New York, NY The College Entrance Examination Board
Resources valuable to our filmmaking process
Title Author Year Pages Source Article Link
Some final thoughts on the SAT and ACT Boeckenstedt, Jon 2020, January 10 Admitting Things LINK
Surprise: College Board and ACT don’t like Test-optional admissions Boeckenstedt, Jon 2017, September 22 Admitting Things LINK
SAT Problem, Solved Boeckenstedt, Jon 2024, June 12 Admitting Things LINK
Hot Takes from ACT on Test-optional Boeckenstedt, Jon 2016, October 5 Admitting Things LINK
Abolish the SAT
Murray, Charles 2007, July 13 American Enterprise Institute LINK
Sweeping Changes to SAT and ACT Accommodations Applerouth, Jed 2016, December 15 Applerouth LINK
Prep Smarter: How to Make the Most of SAT/ACT Preparation Applerouth, Jed 2017, May 8 Applerouth LINK
ACT Loses Ground to Redesigned SAT Applerouth, Jed 2017, September 13 Applerouth LINK
SAT and ACT Cheating Scandals Will Hasten Arrival of Digital Testing Applerouth, Jed 2016, September 8 Applerouth LINK
New Mexico adopts SAT as requirement for high school juniors 2019, October 18 Associated Press LINK
ACT Test Scores For Us Students Drop To New 30-Year Low Mumphrey, Cheyanne 2023, October 11 Associated Press LINK
During test-optional college admissions, exam-prep companies still thrived Becker, Sam 2024, April 17 BBC LINK
The SAT’s Return Has Frantic Parents Hiring $500-an-Hour Tutors Cattan, Nacha 2024, March 19 Bloomberg LINK
Elite Colleges Are Trying to Navigate a World Where the SATs Are Optional Francesca Maglione 2022, December 7 Bloomberg LINK
SAT subject tests lose favor for colleges Krantz, Laura 2016, August 22 Boston Globe LINK
Goodbye ACT, hello SAT: a significant change for Colorado high schoolers Gorski, Eric 2015, December 23 Chalkbeat LINK
Oh what a tangled web schools weave: The college rankings game Morson, Gary Saul & Shapiro, Morton 2017, August 27 Chicago Tribune LINK
Illinois shifts gears on college entrance exams, chooses SAT over ACT Rado, Diane 2015 December 21 Chicago Tribune LINK
What Keeps Women Out of Elite Colleges? Their SAT Scores Hoover, Eric 2014, October 2 Chronicle of Higher Education LINK
Here's what happened when these colleges ditched SAT scores Lobosco, Katie 2015, September 8 CNN Money LINK
College Board Partners with AIR Assessment to Expand Digital SAT Testing 2017, August 15 College Board LINK
Columbia is Test-Optional 2023, March 1 Columbia University LINK
Ohio schools must now give ACT or SAT to all juniors Gilchrist, Shannon 2017, February 28 Columbus Dispatch LINK
Cornell to reinstate standardized test requirements for fall 2026 Dean, James 2024, April 22 Cornell Chronicle LINK
The biggest lie in college admissions Meltzer, Erica 2017, Oct 30 Critical Reader LINK
Michigan to dump ACT for SAT as high school requirement Higgins, Lori 2015, January 7 Detroit Free Press LINK
Less than half of all students fully college-ready on revised SAT test Gordon, Larry 2017, September 26 EdSource LINK
The SAT Is Making a Comeback. Here’s a Look at the Numbers and What They Tell Us Najarro, Ileana 2023, October 25 Education Week LINK
Colorado Chooses SAT Over PARCC as High School Test Gewertz, Catherine 2015 December 24 Education Week LINK
College Board Attacks New ACT Prep Service Gewertz, Catherine 2016, April 26 Education Week LINK
Barely Half of Colleges Validate Use of SAT, ACT as Success Predictors
Gewertz, Catherine 2016, June 15 Education Week LINK
Dwindling Interest Seen in SAT Subject Tests Gewertz, Catherine 2016, August 23 Education Week LINK
Former College Board SAT Designer Drawn Into FBI Probe Gewertz, Catherine 2016, September 13 Education Week LINK
College Board's Statewide SAT Contracts Reaching Twice as Many Students Gewertz, Catherine 2016, September 27 Education Week LINK
SAT Results 2016: It's Complicated Gewertz, Catherine 2016, September 27 Education Week LINK
National Testing Landscape Continues to Shift
Gewertz, Catherine 2017, February 15 Education Week LINK
New SAT Yields Higher Scores, But Don't Be Fooled Gewertz, Catherine 2017, September 26 Education Week LINK
Don’t Use SAT and ACT as Your High School Tests, Study Urges Gewertz, Catherine 2018, March 13 Education Week LINK
A Computer Can Now Write Your College Essay — Maybe Better Than You Can Whitford, Emma 2022, December 9 Forbes LINK
Nicholas Lemann’s New Book Makes The Case For Moving Past The SAT Nietzel, Michael 2024 September 2 Forbes LINK
The Three Biggest Lies in College Admissions Cohen, Steve 2012, September 29 Forbes LINK
The Invisible Force Behind College Admissions
McGrath, Maggie 2014, August 18 Forbes LINK
Big Changes Are Coming To The ACT Test. Should Students Take It? White, Scott 2024 July 18 Forbes LINK
Search Cliff: How The Digital PSAT And SAT Will Cripple Student Recruitment Bhaskara, Vinay 2024, May 8 Forbes LINK
Latest Private Equity Trophy: ACT Test for College Admissions Whitford, Emma 2024, April 10 Forbes LINK
When Colleges Go Test-Optional, Who Benefits? Edmonds, Dan 2015, July 30 Forbes LINK
ACT Score Decline: Lost Learners Not Learning Loss Akil Bello 2022, October 17 Forbes LINK
The Testing Predators Have Beaten ACT And The College Board Akil Bello 2022, June 27 Forbes LINK
How the SAT Failed America Adams, Susan 2020, September 30 Forbes LINK
Dropping SAT Won’t Diminish College Board Clout Paterno, Susan 2021, May 21 Forbes LINK
The Last Days of ETS – pdf Owen, David 1983, May 21-37 Harper's LINK
Beyond the SAT - Nicholas Lemann on revising standardized testing to address real educational needs Lemann, Nicholas 2024 September Harvard Magazine LINK
Caught cheating: Colleges falsify admissions data for higher rankings Marcus, Jon 2013, Mar 20 Hechinger Report LINK
Why the new SAT is not the answer Bello, Akil & Murphy, James S 2016, March 4 Hechinger Report LINK
The real reason that colleges go ‘test-optional’ Burd, Stephen 2015, August 26 Hechinger Report LINK
College applicants still aren’t submitting SAT, ACT scores at pre-pandemic levels Bauer-Wolf, Jeremy 2023, March 30 Higher Ed Dive LINK
Number of college applicants sending admissions scores hasn’t rebounded Jeremy Bauer-Wolf 2022, November 21 Higher Ed Dive LINK
U.S. News rankings don’t ding colleges for lacking SAT and ACT data in nod to test-optional growth Laura Spitalniak 2022, September 12 Higher Ed Dive LINK
Florida university system approves classical admissions test, an SAT and ACT alternative Bauer-Wolf, Jeremy 2023, September 8 Higher Ed Dive LINK
NCAA permanently ends SAT, ACT eligibility requirement for Division I, II student-athletes Bauer-Wolf, Jeremy 2023, February 7 Higher Ed Dive LINK
SATs Have Never Been About Equity Stetler, Pepper 2024 August 19 Inside Higher Ed LINK
Discord on Test Scores Jaschik, Scott 2016, May 16 Inside Higher Ed LINK
Layoffs and ‘Transformation’ at a Testing Titan Knox, Liam 2023, September 29 Inside Higher Ed LINK
What the Supreme Court Rejection of Affirmative Action Means Jaschik, Scott 2023 June 29 Inside Higher Ed LINK
Report Calls for Merit Scholarships Not to Be Awarded Based on SAT or ACT Jaschik, Scott 2023 June 26 Inside Higher Ed LINK
Faulty Predictions? New study suggests the SAT may over- or underpredict first-year college grades of hundreds of thousands of students Jaschik, Scott 2016, January 26 Inside Higher Ed LINK
Coronavirus Drives Colleges to Test Optional Jaschik, Scott 2020, March 30 Inside Higher Ed LINK
Test Optional Admissions Works – Are You Considering Test Optional Admissions? Eric Maguire 2022, August 29 Inside Higher Ed LINK
How the SAT Shaped College Admissions [Nicholas Lemann interviewed] Knox, Liam 2024 September 16 Inside Higher Ed LINK
Why MIT was right to reinstate the SAT (opinion) Les Perelman 2022, May 9 Inside Higher Ed LINK
Making the Case for Test Optional Jaschik, Scott 2018, April 27 Inside Higher Ed LINK
Massive Admissions Scandal Jaschik, Scott 2019, March 13 Inside Higher Ed LINK
Introducing a Shorter, ‘More Flexible’ ACT Knox, Liam 2024 July 22 Inside Higher Ed LINK
The SAT Enters the 21st Century Knox, Liam 2024, March 5 Inside Higher Ed LINK
The Misguided War on Test Optional Bello, Akil 2024, February 5 Inside Higher Ed LINK
Should We Be Worried About High School Grade Inflation? Murphy, James S. 2017, September 15 Inside Higher Ed LINK
Test Optional — or Maybe Not. Stone, Elizabeth 2016/17, December/January 3-6 Insights LINK
CSU officially drops SAT and ACT from admissions process in major move Shalby, Colleen & Watanabe, Teresa 2022, March 23 Los Angeles Times LINK
UC slams the door on standardized admissions tests, nixing any SAT alternative Watanabe, Teresa 2021, November 18 Los Angeles Times LINK
UC makes landmark decision to drop ACT and SAT requirement for admission Watanabe, Teresa 2020, May 21 Los Angeles Times LINK
Inside the vast national experiment in test-optional college admissions Erin Einhorn 2022, April 10 NBC News LINK
The SAT’s Not-Quite-Comeback Burd, Stephen 2024 November 18 New America LINK
The Trouble With Harvard Pinker, Steven 2014, September 4 New Republic LINK
Don't Send Your Kid to the Ivy League Deresiewicz, William 2014, July 21 New Republic LINK
Tests of Hereditary Intelligence Lippmann, Walter 1922, November 22 New Republic (Google Books version.) LINK
Inside the Craziest College-Admissions Season Ever Selingo, Jeffrey 2024, March 20 New York Magazine LINK
What Does an SAT Score Mean Anymore? Jeffrey Selingo 2022, November 2 New York Magazine LINK
The Secrecy Behind the College Boards Brill, Steven 1974, Oct 7 New York Magazine (Google Books version.) LINK
U. of Texas at Austin Will Return to Standardized Test Requirement Saul, Stephanie 2024, March 11 New York Times LINK
Colleges To Try 'Intelligence' Tests; Entrance Examination Board to Offer Psychological Quizzes for the First Time 1925, November 11 New York Times LINK
Yale Seeks Relief from Student Rush 1926, April 18 New York Times LINK
Stanford Becomes Latest School to Reinstate Test Scores Requirement Knight, Heather 2024, June 8 New York Times LINK
Study of Elite College Admissions Data Suggests Being Very Rich Is Its Own Qualification Bhatia, Aatish; Cain Miller, Claire and Josh Katz 2023, July 24 New York Times LINK
New SAT Data Highlights the Deep Inequality at the Heart of American Education Miller Miller, Claire Cain 2023, October 23 New York Times LINK
The Misguided War on the SAT Leonhardt, David 2024, January 7 New York Times LINK
Some Colleges Have More Students From the Top 1 Percent Than the Bottom 60 Aisch, Gregor; Buchanan, Larry; Cox, Amanda; and Quealy, Kevin 2017, January 18 New York Times LINK
A Top College Reinstates the SAT Leonhardt, David 2024, February 5 New York Times LINK
CONANT CRITICIZES ENTRANCE EXAMS; Says Colleges Should Rely More on School Records Currivan, Gene 1967, November 13 50 New York Times LINK
The Big Problem With the New SAT Atkinson, Richard C. and Geiser, Saul 2015 May 4 New York Times LINK
The Story Behind the SAT Overhaul
Balf, Todd 2014, March 6 New York Times LINK
University of California Will No Longer Consider SAT and ACT Scores McDonnell Nieto del Rio, Giulia 2021, May 15 New York Times LINK
Retooling During Pandemic, the SAT Will Drop Essay and Subject Tests Hartocollis, Anemona; Taylor, Kate and Saul, Stephanie 2021, January 19 New York Times LINK
Actresses, Business Leaders and Other Wealthy Parents Charged in U.S. College Entry Fraud Medina, Jennifer; Benner, Katie; and Taylor, Kate 2019, March 12 New York Times LINK
This Is Peak College Admissions Insanity Currell, Daniel Currell, Daniel 2024, May 1 New York Times LINK
M.I.T. Will Again Require SAT and ACT Scores Cramer, Maria & Medina, Eduardo 2022, March 28 New York Times LINK
Yale Will Try Out An 'Aptitude Test'; University Adopts New Plan to Judge of the Fitness of Entering Students 1927, February 4 New York Times LINK
Plan Announced at Yale [Harvard, Yale and Princeton mandate the SAT for all applicants] 1941, Dec 17 28 New York Times LINK
The Test-Optional Surge
Simon, Cecilia Capuzzi 2015, October 28 New York Times LINK
Harvard and Caltech Will Require Test Scores for Admission Hartocolis, Anemona, and Saul, Stephanie 2024, April 11 New York Times LINK
After SAT Misprint, Two Sections Won’t Be Scored Rich, Motoko 2015, June 15 New York Times LINK
A Rare Glimpse Inside the Ivy League’s Academic Index Pennington, Bill 2012, January 10 New York Times LINK
Before Recruiting in Ivy League, Applying Some Math Pennington, Bill 2011, December 24 New York Times LINK
Behind the Cover Story: Todd Balf on the Coming Changes to the SAT Nolan, Rachel 2014, March 10 New York Times LINK
A New SAT Aims to Realign With Schoolwork
Lewin, Tamar 2014, March 5 New York Times LINK
The SATs Will Be Different Next Year, and That Could Be a Game-Changer Grant, Adam 2023, September 20 New York Times LINK
What Colleges Want in an Applicant (Everything) Hoover, Eric 2017, November 1 New York Times LINK
How Businesses Use Your SATs Dewan, Shaila 2016, March 29 New York Times LINK
U.S. News Makes Money From Some of Its Biggest Critics: Colleges Blinder, Alan 2024, January 6 New York Times LINK
The College Boards Fail the Test Hoffman, Banesh 1965, Oct 24 52 New York Times Section MAGAZINE LINK
Who Gets to Graduate? Tough, Paul 2014, May 15. In print 2014, May 18, on page MM26 of the Sunday Magazine New York Times Sunday Magazine LINK
Freebies for the Rich Rampell, Catherine 2013, September 24. In print 2013, September 29, on Page MM14 of the Sunday Magazine New York Times Sunday Magazine LINK
Do ACT and SAT scores really matter? New study says they shouldn’t Sheffer, Sarah 2014, Feb 18 PBS News Hour LINK
Why Won’t Elite Colleges Deploy the One Race-Neutral Way to Achieve Diversity? Novicoff, Mark 2023, September 15 Politico LINK
How U.S. News college rankings promote economic inequality on campus Wermund, Benjamin 2017, September 10 Politico LINK
Amid problems, specialists wonder who's overseeing group that owns SAT Dudley, Renee 2017, February 14 Reuters LINK
College Board faces rocky path after CEO pushes new vision for SAT Dudley, Renee 2016, December 12 Reuters LINK
How an industry helps Chinese students cheat their way into and through U.S colleges Qing, Koh Gui; Harney, Alexandra; Stecklow, Steve; and Pomfret, James 2016, May 25 Reuters LINK
How Asian test-prep companies swiftly exposed the brand-new SAT Dudley, Renee; Stecklow, Steve; Harney, Alexandra; and Liu, Irene Jay 2016, March 28 Reuters LINK
As SAT was hit by security breaches, College Board went ahead with tests that had leaked Dudley, Renee; Stecklow, Steve; Harney, Alexandra; and Liu, Irene Jay 2016, March 28 Reuters LINK
College Board chief promises changes to SAT test amid controversies Dudley, Renee and Stecklow, Steve 2016, September 23 Reuters LINK
Exclusive: FBI raids home of ex-College Board official in probe of SAT leak Dudley, Renee and Shiffman, John 2016, August 26 Reuters LINK
Despite warnings, College Board redesigned SAT in way that may hurt neediest students Dudley, Renee 2016, September 21 Reuters LINK
'Massive' breach exposes hundreds of questions for upcoming SAT exams Dudley, Renee 2016, August 3 Reuters LINK
A REUTERS SERIES: Inside the business of standardized testing and college admissions — Cheat Sheet Reuters LINK
Exclusive: ACT partners with test-prep firms despite signs of cheating in Asia Stecklow, Steve; Harney, Alexandra; and Park, Ju-min 2016, September 7 Reuters LINK
Students and teachers detail pervasive cheating in a program owned by test giant ACT Stecklow, Steve; Harney, Alexandra; and Park, Ju-min 2016, July 25 Reuters LINK
How top U.S. colleges hooked up with controversial Chinese companies Stecklow, Steve and Harney, Alexandra 2016, December 2 Reuters LINK
Exclusive: ACT shakes up security unit, plans audit after cheating reports Stecklow, Steve and Harney, Alexandra 2016, August 10 Reuters LINK
How a Chinese company bought access to admissions officers at top U.S. colleges Stecklow, Steve; Dudley, Renee; Pomfret, James; and Harney, Alexandra 2016, October 14 Reuters LINK
Exclusive: U.S. students given SATs that were online before exam Stecklow, Steve; Dudley, Renee; Harney, Alexandra 2016, April 20 Reuters LINK
College Board tightens SAT exam security, but key risk remains Stecklow, Steve and Dudley, Renee 2017, February 22 Reuters LINK
Exclusive: U.S. standards council to investigate New Oriental after Reuters report Stecklow, Steve 2016, December 2 Reuters LINK
Exclusive: ACT cancels test scores in Asia after leak of essay question Stecklow, Steve 2016, November 3 Reuters LINK
UC settles student lawsuit, agrees not to use SAT, ACT scores in admissions Asimov, Nanette 2021, May 14 San Francisco Chronicle LINK
California teens forced to travel hundreds of miles to take the SAT Medina, Madilinne 2024, June 7 SF Gate LINK
The Sooner We Start Thinking of the College Board as a Business, the Better Boeckenstedt, Jon Slate LINK
Has the Pandemic Put an End to the SAT and ACT? Dance, Amber 2021, July 15 Smithsonian Magazine LINK
The College-Admissions Merit Myth Adam Harris 2022, October 31 The Atlantic LINK
The Single Biggest Fix for Inequality at Elite Colleges Deming, David 2023, December 5 The Atlantic LINK
The SAT: A New Core Subject in Schools?
Murphy, James S 2015, June The Atlantic LINK
How Hard Is the New SAT? Murphy, James S 2016, May The Atlantic LINK
The Structure of Success in America
Lemann, Nicholas 1995, August pages 41-60 The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 276, No.2 LINK
The Great Sorting
Lemann, Nicholas 1995, September pages 84-100 The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 276, No.3 LINK
After ‘Varsity Blues’ scandal, lots of talk about overhauling college admissions. Will there be action? Willen, Liz 2020, February 4 The Hechinger Report LINK
In college admissions, ‘test-optional’ is the new normal Daniel de Visé 2022, December 2 The Hill LINK
Bay Area students struggle to find SAT slots as schools reverse test-optional policies Gibbs, Molly and Mukherjee, Shomik 2024 July 18 The Mercury News LINK
How the Pandemic remade the SAT Eren Orbey 2022, May 24 The New Yorker LINK
Re-ACT: State’s [Illinois] return to ACT is ‘disappointing' Engles, Zoe 2024 August 11 The Record LINK
Education: Cure for Chaos 1950, November 6 TIME LINK
A Year After the College Admissions Scandal, Here's What Has (and Has Not) Changed Reilly, Katie 2020, March 12 TIME Magazine LINK
Reinstating the SATs Will Only Make Rich Kids Richer Mandery, Evan 2024, April 18 TIME Magazine LINK
How the SATs lost their grip on college admissions Carey, Kevin 2023, May 2 Vox LINK
Supreme Court Hears Arguments on Race in College Admissions Jess Bravin & Melissa Korn 2022, October 31 Wall Street Journal LINK
Cheat Sheets: Colleges Inflate SATs and Graduation Rates in Popular Guidebooks Schools Say They Must Fib to U.S. News and Others to Compete Effectively. Moody's Requires the Truth Stecklow, Steve 1995, April 5 Wall Street Journal LINK
For Sale: SAT-Takers’ Names. Colleges Buy Student Data and Boost Exclusivity Belkin, Douglas 2019, November 5 Wall Street Journal LINK
SAT Changes Will Make Exam Shorter, Simpler and Digital Belkin, Douglas 2022, Jan 25 Wall Street Journal LINK
Colleges Weigh New Admissions Strategies Melissa Korn 2022, August 9 Wall Street Journal LINK
More Students Are Taking Optional SAT and ACT, Hoping to Stand Out Isabel Sarraf 2022, July 1 Wall Street Journal LINK
Colorado College Withdraws From U.S. News & World Report Undergrad Ranking Korn, Melissa 2023, February 27 Wall Street Journal LINK
Supreme Court Strikes Down Affirmative Action in College Admissions Bravin, Jess 2023 June 29 Wall Street Journal LINK
More than 80% of US colleges cling to test-optional admissions despite COVID-19 receding Poff, Jeremiah 2023, February 12 Washington Examiner LINK
Yale will again require standardized test scores for admission Svrluga, Susan 2024, February 22 Washington Post LINK
Dartmouth will require SAT scores from applicants again Svrluga, Susan 2024, February 5 Washington Post LINK
Harvard and Caltech will require test scores for admission again Svrluga, Susan 2024, April 11 Washington Post LINK
Why getting into elite colleges is harder for women Birger, Jon 2015, July 30 Washington Post LINK
‘We didn’t know it was this bad’: New ACT scores show huge achievement gaps Anderson, Nick 2017, September 7 Washington Post LINK
New SAT scores sow confusion over how to tell a good result Anderson, Nick 2017, September 26 Washington Post LINK
Brown University will require SAT scores again Svrluga, Susan and Natanson, Hannah 2024, March 5 Washington Post LINK
Why MIT is an outlier in reinstating SAT/ACT scores for admissions Bob Schaeffer 2022, April 20 Washington Post LINK
Harvard won’t require SAT or ACT through 2026 as test-opional push grows Anderson, Nick 2021, December 16 Washington Post LINK
A shake-up in elite admissions: U-Chicago drops SAT/ACT testing requirement Anderson, Nick 2018, June 14 Washington Post LINK
Can coaching truly boost SAT scores? For years, the College Board said no. Now it says yes Strauss, Valerie 2017, May 9 Washington Post LINK
The list of test-optional colleges and universities keeps growing — despite College Board’s latest jab Strauss, Valerie 2017, April 12 Washington Post LINK
How the SAT and PSAT collect personal data on students — and what the College Board does with it Strauss, Valerie 2017, March 30 Washington Post LINK
Study: High school grades best predictor of college success — not SAT/ACT scores Strauss, Valerie 2014, February 21 Washington Post LINK
College admits inflating SAT scores to boost ranking Strauss, Valerie 2012, January 31 Washington Post LINK
Why do U.S. News rankings punish test-optional colleges? Rosen, David 2017, October 23 Washington Post LINK
George Washington U. gets more diverse after ditching admission test mandate Anderson, Nick 2016, November 22 Washington Post LINK
Bombed the SAT or the ACT? Here are colleges that are ‘test-optional.’ Anderson, Nick 2015, July 27 Washington Post LINK
George Washington University applicants no longer need to take admissions tests Anderson, Nick 2015, July 27 Washington Post LINK
College Board's SAT Selected for Statewide High School Assessment 2017, September 13 West Virginia Department of Education LINK
Why High School Students Don’t Need the SAT Anymore Akil Bello and Harry Feder 2022, November 4 Word In Black LINK
Illinois Moving Back to ACT as Required Exam for High School Graduation Masterson, Matt 2024, May 16 WTTW News LINK
Resources valuable to our filmmaking process
Title Author Year Pages Source Article Link
Testing the Way Forward: The Impact of Statewide ACT or SAT Testing on Postsecondary Outcomes Swiderski, Tom 2024 October Vol. XX, No. X, pp. 1–21 Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis Month LINK
Classic Learning Test Concordance with the SAT College Board Research 2024 May College Board LINK
Has the Relationship Between College Readiness Measures and Developmental Course Placement Changed in Recent Years? Sanchez, Edgar I. 2024 May ACT Research LINK
Report From Working Group on the Role of Standardized Test Scores in Undergraduate Admissions Cascio, Elizabeth et al. 2024 January Dartmouth College LINK
Recommendations of the Ad Hoc Committee on Admissions Policies: Executive Summary Ad Hoc Committee on Admissions Policies 2024 February Brown University LINK
The disparate impacts of college admissions policies on Asian American applicants Grossman, Joshua et al. 2024 February volume 14, Article number 4449 (2024) Scientific Reports LINK
The Use of Standardized Testing in Admissions: Summary of Key Findings Cornell University Task Force on Testing in Admissions 2024 April Cornell University LINK
Digital SAT Validity Study – A Comprehensive Analysis of First-Year College Outcomes Westrick, Paul A. et al. 2023 September College Board LINK
Contextualized High School Performance: Evidence to Inform Equitable Holistic, Test-Optional, and Test-Free Admissions Policies Bastedo, Michael N., Umbricht, Mark, and Bai, Yiping 2023 September Aera Open (American Educational Research Association) LINK
The Role of Standardized Tests in College Admissions Zwick, Rebecca 2023 June Civil Rights Project UCLA LINK
Diversifying Society’s Leaders? The Determinants and Causal Effects of Admission to Highly Selective Private Colleges Chetty, Raj; Deming, David J. and Friedman, John N. 2023 National Bureau of Economic Research LINK
The Concordance Relationship Between the Classic Learning Test (CLT) and the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) Gardner, Tracy et al. 2023 Classic Learning Test LINK
Race-Conscious Affirmative Action - What’s Next Carnevale, Anthony P.; Mabel, Zachary and Campbell, Kathryn Peltier 2023 Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce LINK
Merit Awards: Myths, Realities, & Barriers to Access - An Analysis of the Prevalence of Test-Based Scholarships Bello, Akil & Feder, Harry 2023 LINK
Higher Education Brief: Classic Learning Test Concordance with the SAT 2023 The College Board LINK
School-Day Administration of the ACT Test: Removing Barriers and Opening Doors for All Students Allen, Jeff, Cruce, Ty & Dingler, Colin 2023 ACT, Inc. LINK
Higher Education Brief: Classic Learning Test Concordance with the SAT 2023 College Board LINK
Private, selective colleges are most likely to use race, ethnicity as a factor in admissions decisions DeSilver, Drew 2023 Pew Research Center LINK
New Evidence on Recent Changes in College Applications, Admissions, and Enrollments College Board Research 2022 College Board LINK
An Updated Look at SAT Score Relationships with College Degree Completion Westrick, Paul A., Marini, Jessica P. and Shaw, Emily J. 2022 College Board LINK
Digital SAT Score Relationships with Other Educational Measures: Early Convergent Validity Evidence Marini, Jessica P.; Westrick, Paul A.; Young, Linda; Shaw, Emily J. 2022 College Board LINK
Grade Inflation Continues to Grow in the Past Decade Sanchez, Edgar I. & Moore, Raeal 2022 ACT, Inc. LINK
What the Students for Fair Admissions Cases Reveal About Racial Preferences Arcidiacono, Peter; Kinsler, Josh & Ransom, Tyler 2022 National Bureau of Economic Research LINK
Deadline update: first-year application trends through March 15 (Common App) Freeman, Mark et al. 2022 Common App LINK
Illustrating Comparability of ACT Scale Scores from Paper and Online Testing Steedle, Jeffrey 2022 ACT, Inc. LINK
Examining the COVID-19 Pandemic’s Impacts on ACT Scores Jeff Allen 2022 ACT Research LINK
Inflection Point: The Role of Testing in Admissions Decisions in a Postpandemic Environment Camara, Wayne & Mattern, Krista 2022 Educational Measurement Issues and Practice 41(1) LINK
Examining the Stability of SAT Predictive Relationships Across Cohorts and Over Time Marini, Jessica et al. 2021 College Board LINK
Applying to college in a test-optional admissions landscape: trends from Common App data Freeman, Mark et al. 2021 Common App LINK
Untested Admissions: Examining Changes in Application Behaviors and Student Demographics Under Test-Optional Policies Bennett, Christopher T. 2021 American Educational Research Association LINK
Essay Content is Strongly Related to Household Income and SAT Scores: Evidence from 60,000 Undergraduate Applications Alvero, AJ., Giebel, S., Gebre-Medhin, B., Antonio, A.L., Stevens, M.L., & Domingue, B.W. 2021 Science Advances; Vol. 7, Issue 42 LINK
University of California Standardized Testing Task Force Report Comeaux, Eddie & Sanchez, Henry (co-Chairs) 2020 University of California Standardized Testing Task Force LINK
Ensuring All Students Have Access to Higher Education: The Role of Standardized Testing in the Time of COVID-19 and Beyond NACAC Task Force on Standardized Admission Testing 2020 National Association for College Admission Counseling LINK
Relationship of the SAT to College Performance at the University of California 2020 University of California LINK
High School GPAs and ACT Scores as Predictors of College Completion: Examining Assumptions About Consistency Across High Schools Allensworth, Elaine M. & Clark, Kallie 2020 pp. 198–211 Educational Researcher; Volume 49 Issue 3 LINK
SAT/ACT Scores, High-School GPA, and the problem of Omitted Variable Bias: Why the UC Taskforce’s Findings are Spurious Geiser, Saul 2020 UC Berkeley Center for Studies in Higher Education LINK
Predicting College Success: How Do Different High School Assessments Measure Up? Kurlaender, Michael & Coen, Kramer 2019 Stanford Graduate School of Education - Policy Analysis for California Education LINK
2019 State of College Admission Clinedinst, Melissa 2019 National Association for College Admission Counseling LINK
Validity of the SAT for Predicting First-Year Grades and Retention to the Second Year Westrick, Paul A.; Marini, Jessica P.; Young, Linda et al. 2019 College Board LINK
Validity of SAT Essay Scores for Predicting First-Year Grades Marini, Jessica P.; Westrick, Paul A.; Young, Linda et al. 2019 College Board LINK
What We Know, Are Still Getting Wrong, and Have Yet to Learn about the Relationships among the SAT, Intelligence and Achievement Frey, Meredith C. 2019 Journal of Intelligence; Dec; 7(4): 26. LINK
Defining Access: How Test-Optional Works
Syverson, Steven T.; Franks, Valerie W., & Hiss, William C. 2018 National Association for College Admission Counseling LINK
General Intelligence (g), ACT Scores, and Theory of Mind: (ACT)g Predicts Limited Variance Among Theory of Mind Tests Coyle, Thomas R.; Elpers, Karrie E.; Gonzalez, Miguel C. et al. 2018 85-91 Intelligence; Volume 71, November–December FEE REQUIRED
Investigating Test Prep Impact on Score Gains Using Quasi-Experimental Propensity Score Matching Moore, Raeal; Sanchez, Edgar & San Pedro, Maria Ofelia 2018 ACT, Inc. LINK
ACT for All: The Effect of Mandatory College Entrance Exams on Postsecondary Attainment and Choice Hyman, J 2017 12(3), 281-311 Education Finance and Policy LINK
State of College Admission 2017 Clinedinst, M. & Koranteng, Anna-Maria 2017 National Association of College Admissions Counseling LINK
Preparing for the SAT: A Review
Applerouth, J. I., & Zabrucky, K. M 2017 92(1), 2-17 College & University FEE REQUIRED
Demonstrated Interest: Signaling Behavior In College Admissions Dearden, J.A. James A., Li, Suhui, Meyerhoefer, C.D., and Yang, Muzhe 2017 35(4) 630-657 Contemporary Economic Policy FEE REQUIRED
A Proposal To Eliminate The SAT In Berkeley Admissions Geiser, Saul 2016 Center for Studies in Higher Education LINK
Differential prediction generalization in college admissions testing Aguinis, H., Culpepper, S. A., & Pierce, C. A 2016 108(7), 1045-1059 Journal of Educational Psychology FEE REQUIRED
Use of Predictive Validity Studies to Inform Admission Practices
2016 National Association of College Admissions Counseling LINK
General and non-general intelligence factors simultaneously influence SAT, SAT-V, and SAT-M performance Hannon, Brenda 2016 59, 51-63 Intelligence FEE REQUIRED
The Redesigned SAT Pilot Predictive Validity Study: A First Look Shaw, E.J., Marini, J.P., Beard, J., Shmueli, D., Young, L., Ng, H 2016 College Board LINK
Preparing students for college admissions tests Applerouth, J. I., Zabrucky, K. M, and Moore, D 2015 24(1), 78-95 Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice LINK
The Growing Correlation Between Race and Sat Scores: New Findings From California Geiser, Saul 2015 Center for Studies in Higher Education, University Of California, Berkeley LINK
The Impact of Participation in the Advanced Placement Program on Students' College Admissions Test Scores Warne, R.T., Larsen, R., Anderson, B. and Odasso, A 2015 108(5), 400-416 The Journal of Educational Research LINK
The relationship between siblings’ college choices: Evidence from one million SAT-taking families Goodman, J., Hurwitz, M., Smith, J., Fox, J 2015 48, 75-85 Economics of Education Review LINK
Why are Women Underrepresented in Elite Colleges and Universities? A Non-Linear Decomposition Analysis Bielby, R. Posselt, J.R., Jaquette, O., & Bastedo, M.N 2014 55(8), 735-760 Research in Higher Education FEE REQUIRED
Synthesis of Recent SAT Validity Findings: Trend Data over Time and Cohorts 2014-1 Mattern, K.D. & Patterson, B.F 2014 College Board LINK
The Test-Optional Movement at America’s Selective Liberal Arts Colleges: A Boon for Equity or Something Else? Belasco, A.S., Rosinger, K.O., and Hearn, J.C 2014 20(10), 1-18 Educational Evaluation And Policy Analysis LINK
Predicting College Success: The Relative Contributions of Five Social/Personality Factors, Five Cognitive/Learning Factors, and SAT Scores Hannon, B 2014 2(4), 46–58 Journal of Education and Training Studies LINK
Ability tilt on the SAT and ACT predicts specific abilities and college majors Coyle, T.R., Purcell, J.M., Snyder, A.C., Richmond, M.C 2014 46, 18-24 Intelligence LINK
Defining Promise: Optional Standardized Testing Policies In American College And University Admissions
Hiss, W.C. & Franks, V.W 2014 NACAC LINK
Expanding College Opportunities for High-Achieving, Low-Income Students Hoxby, C. & Turner, S 2013 Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research LINK
Voluntary disclosure and the strategic behavior of colleges Conlin, M. Dickert-Conlin S., and Chapman, G 2013 96, 48–64 Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization LINK
Non-g residuals of the SAT and ACT predict specific abilities Coyle, T.R., Purcell, J.M., Snyder, A.C., Kochunov, P 2013 41(2), 114-120 Intelligence LINK
Timing Matters: Test Preparation, Race, and Grade Level Devine-Eller, A 2012 27(2), 458-480 Sociological Forum FEE REQUIRED
Test anxiety and performance-avoidance goals explain gender differences in SAT-V, SAT-M, and overall SAT scores Hannon, B 2012 53(7), 816-820 Personality and Individual Differences LINK
The Missing "One-Offs": The Hidden Supply of High-Achieving, Low Income Students
Hoxby, C.M. & Avery, C 2012 National Bureau Of Economic Research LINK
The Role of Socioeconomic Status in SAT-Grade Relationships and in College Admissions Decisions P. R. Sackett, N. R. Kuncel, A. S. Beatty, J. L. Rigdon, W. Shen, T. B. Kiger 2012 23(9), 1000–1007 Psychological Science FEE REQUIRED
Linking Admission Strategies to Student Retention
Cortes, C.M. & Kalsbeek, D.H 2012 DePaul University, Enrollment Management and Marketing LINK
SAT predicts GPA better for high ability subjects: Implications for Spearman’s Law of Diminishing Returns Coyle, T., Snyder, A., Pillow, D., Kochunov, P 2011 50(4), 470-474 Personality and Individual Differences LINK
SAT Performance: Understanding the Contributions of Cognitive/Learning and Social/Personality Factors Hannon, B. & McNaughton-Cassill, M 2011 25(4), 528-535 Applied Cognitive Psychology LINK
Systematic reviews of the effects of preparatory courses on university entrance examinations in high school-age students Montgomery, P. & Lilly, J 2011 21(1), 3-12 International Journal of Social Welfare LINK
The impact of legacy status on undergraduate admissions at elite colleges and universities Hurwitz, M 2011 30(3), 480-492 Economics of Education Review LINK
Standardized Admission Tests, College Performance, and Campus Diversity Espenshade, T.J. & Chung, C.Y 2010 Office of Population Research, Princeton University LINK
Beyond the Threshold Hypothesis: Even Among the Gifted and Top Math/Science Graduate Students, Cognitive Abilities, Vocational Interests, and Lifestyle Preferences Matter for Career Choice, Performance, and Persistence Robertson, K.F., Smeets, S., Lubinski, D., and Benbow, C.P 2010 19(6), 346-351 Current Directions in Psychological Science LINK
Prediction of 4-year college student performance using cognitive and noncognitive predictors and the impact on demographic status of admitted students Schmitt, N., Keeney, J., Oswald, F.L., Pleskac, T.J., Billington, A.Q., Sinha, R. and Zorzie, M 2009 94(6), 1479-97 Journal of Applied Psychology LINK
Preparation for College Admission Exams Briggs, D.C 2009 National Association for College Admissions Counseling LINK
The Changing Selectivity of American Colleges Hoxby, C 2009 23(4), 95-118 Journal of Economic Perspectives LINK
Reflections on a Century of College Admissions Tests
Atkinson, R.C. & Geiser, S 2009 38(9), 665–676 Educational Researcher LINK
Socioeconomic Status and the Relationship Between the SAT and Freshman GPA: An Analysis of Data from 41 Colleges and Universities Sackett, P.R., Kuncel, N.R., Arneson, J.J. Cooper, S.R., and Waters, S.D 2009 The College Board LINK
Report of the Commission on the Use of Standardized Tests in Undergraduate Admission
2008 National Association of College Admissions Counseling LINK
ACT and general cognitive ability Koenig, K.A., Frey, M.C., and Detterman, D.K 2007 36(2), 153-160 Intelligence LINK
The Rainbow Project: Enhancing the SAT through assessments of analytical, practical, and creative skills Sternberg, R.J 2006 34, 321–350 Intelligence LINK
Do Psychosocial and Study Skill Factors Predict College Outcomes? A Meta-Analysis Robbins, S.B., Lauver, K., Le, H., Davis, D., Langley, R., Carlstrom, A 2004 130(2), 261–288 Psychological Bulletin LINK
Scholastic Assessment or g? The Relationship Between the Scholastic Assessment Test and General Cognitive Ability Frey, M.C. & Detterman, D.K 2004 15(6), 373-378 Psychological Science LINK
College performance predictions and the SAT Rothstein, J.M 2003 10(3) Journal of Econometrics LINK
Seeking every advantage: the phenomenon of taking both the SAT and ACT Thomas, M.K 2003 23, 203–208 Economics of Education Review LINK
A Historical Perspective on the Content of the SAT
Lawrence, I.M., Rigol, G.W., Van Essen, T., Jackson, C.A 2003 College Board Research Report LINK
UC and the SAT: Predictive Validity and Differential Impact of the SAT I and SAT II at the University of California
Geiser, S. & Studley, R 2001 University of California Office of the President LINK
The Big Men. Journal of Curriculum Studies Téllez, K 2001 33(2), 247–260 University of California, Santa Cruz LINK
Carl Campbell Brigham, the Native Intelligence Hypothesis, and the Scholastic Aptitude Test
Saretzky, G.D 1982 Educational Testing Service, Research Publications LINK
New Methods for the Diagnosis of the Intellectual Level of Subnormals Binet, Alfred 1905 12, 191-244 L'Année Psychologique LINK