Title | Author | Year | City | Publisher |
Higher Admissions: The Rise, Decline, and Return of Standardized Testing (Our Compelling Interests) | Lemann, Nicholas | 2024 September | Princeton, NJPrinceton University Press |
College Admissions and Admissions Testing in a Time of Transformational Change | Geisinger, Kurt F. | 2023 | New York, NYRoutledge |
An Age of Accountability - How Standardized Testing Came to Dominate American Schools and Compromise Education | Rury, John L. | 2023 | New Brunswick, New JerseyRutgers University Press |
The Golden Ticket – A Life in College Admissions Essays | Smith, Irena | 2023 | Phoenix, AZShe Writes Press |
Poison Ivy: How Elite Colleges Divide Us | Mandery, Evan | 2022 | New York, NYThe New Press |
Can College Level the Playing Field? | Baum, Sandy, & McPherson, Michael | 2022 | Princeton, NJPrinceton University Press |
After the Ivory Tower Falls: How College Broke the American Dream | Bunch, Will | 2022 | New York, NYWilliam Morrow |
Breaking Ranks: How the Rankings Industry Rules Higher Education and What to Do about It | Diver, Colin | 2022 | BaltimoreJohns Hopkins University Press |
Rethinking College Admissions - Research-Based Practice and Policy | OiYan A. Poon and Michael N. Bastedo (Editors) | 2022 | Cambridge, MAHarvard Education Press |
An Inconvenient Minority: The Attack on Asian American Excellence and the Fight for Meritocracy | Xu, Kenny | 2021 | New YorkDiversion Books |
Students First: Equity, Access, and Opportunity in Higher Education | LeBlanc, Paul | 2021 | Cambridge, MAHarvard Education Press |
What Universities Owe Democracy | Daniels, Ronald | 2021 | BaltimoreJohns Hopkins University Press |
Guilty Admissions: The Bribes, Favors, and Phonies behind the College Cheating Scandal | Laporte, Nicole | 2021 | New YorkTwelve / Hatchet Books |
The Scandal of Standardized Tests: Why We Need to Drop the SAT and ACT | Soares, Joseph A. | 2020 | New York, NYTeacher's College Press |
Who Gets In and Why: A Year Inside College Admissions | Selingo, Jeffrey | 2020 | New York, NYScribner |
The Tyranny of Merit: What's Become of the Common Good? | Sandel, Michael J. | 2020 | New York, NYFarrar, Straus and Giroux |
The Privileged Poor: How Elite Colleges Are Failing Disadvantaged Students | Jack, Anthony Abraham | 2020 | Cambridge, MAHarvard University Press |
The Merit Myth - How Our Colleges Favor the Rich and Divide America | Carnevale, Anthony P., Schmidt, Peter & Strohl, Jeff | 2020 | New York, NYThe New Press |
Unacceptable: Privilege, Deceit & the Making of the College Admissions Scandal | Korn, Melissa & Levitz, Jennifer | 2020 | New YorkPortfolio / Penguin |
Opting Out: The Story of the Parents’ Grassroots Movement to Achieve Whole-Child Public Schools | Hursh, David; Deutermann, Jeanette; Rudley, Lisa & Chen, Zhe | 2020 | Gorham, MEMyers Education Press |
The Years That Matter Most: How College Makes or Breaks Us | Tough, Paul | 2019 | Boston, MAMariner Books |
Measuring Success: Testing, Grades, and the Future of College Admissions | Buckley, Jack; Letukas, Lynn & Wildavsky, Ben (eds.) | 2018 | Baltimore, MDJohns Hopkins University Press |
Inheriting Possibility: Social Reproduction and Quantification in Education | Dixon-Román, Ezekiel J | 2017 | Minneapolis, MNUniversity of Minnesota Press |
All the Wisdom and None of the Junk: Secrets of Applying for College Admission and Scholarships | Craig, Katy & Kramer, Katie | 2017 | Seattle, WACreateSpace Independent Publishing |
The Testing Charade: Pretending to Make Schools Better | Koretz, Daniel | 2017 | Chicago, Ill.University of Chicago Press |
Beyond Test Scores: A Better Way to Measure School Quality | Schneider, Jack | 2017 | Cambridge, MAHarvard University Press |
The Death and ,Life of the Great American School System: How Testing and Choice Are Undermining Education (3rd edition) | Ravitch, Diane | 2016 | New York, NYBasic Books |
The Tyranny of the Meritocracy: Democratizing Higher Education in America | Guinier, Lani | 2015 | Boston, MABeacon Press |
Where You Go Is Not Who You'll Be: An Antidote to the College Admissions Mania | Bruni, Frank | 2015 | New York, NYGrand Central Publishing |
The Test: Why Our Schools are Obsessed with Standardized Testing–But You Don’t Have to Be | Kamenetz, Anya | 2015 | New York, NYPublicAffairs |
Henry Chauncey: An American Life | Elliot, Norbet | 2014 | New York, NYPeter Lang Publishing |
The Perfect Score Project: One Mother's Journey to Uncover the Secrets of the SAT | Stier, Debbie | 2014 | New York, NYHarmony Books |
Excellent Sheep: the miseducation of the American elite and the way to a meaningful life | Deresiewicz, William | 2014 | New York, NYFree Press |
The Better College Essay | Stone, Elizabeth | 2014 | Westford, MAWintergreen Orchard House |
SAT Wars: the Case for Test-Optional Admissions | Soares, Joseph A | 2012 | New York, NYTeachers College Press |
Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960-2010 | Murray, Charles | 2012 | New York, NYCrown Forum |
Everything School Leaders Need to Know About Assessment | Popham, James W | 2011 | Thousand Oaks, CACorwin |
Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences | Gardner, Howard | 2011 | New York, NYBasic Books; 3rd edition |
Getting In: The Zinch Guide to College Admissions & Financial Aid in the Digital Age | Cohen, Steve; Dwane, Anne; de Oliveira, Paulo; and Muska, Michael | 2011 | Hoboken, NJWiley Publishing |
The Myths of Standardized Tests: Why They Don't Tell You What You Think They Do | Harris, Phillip; Smith, Bruce M.; and Harris, Joan | 2011 | Lanham, MDRowman & Littlefield Publishers |
College Admission : From Application to Acceptance, Step by Step | Mamlet, Robin | 2011 | New York, NYRandom House |
Rewarding Strivers: Helping Low-Income Students Succeed in College | Kahlenberg, Richard (Ed.) | 2010 | New York, NYCentury Foundation Books |
Human Intelligence | Hunt, Earl | 2010 | Cambridge, UKCambridge University Press |
How to Be a High School Superstar: A Revolutionary Plan to Get into College by Standing Out (Without Burning Out) | Newport, Cal | 2010 | New York, NYThree Rivers Press |
Making the Grades: My Misadventures in the Standardized Testing Industry | Farley, Todd | 2009 | Oakland, CABerrett-Koehler Publishers |
Crossing the Finish Line: Completing College at America's Public Universities | Bowen, William; Chingos, Matthew M. & McPherson, Michael S | 2009 | Princeton, NJPrinceton University Press |
No Longer Separate, Not Yet Equal: Race and Class in Elite College Admission and Campus Life | Espenshade, Thomas J. and Radford, Alexandria Walton | 2009 | Princeton, NJPrinceton University Press |
A Is for Admission: The Insider’s Gide to Getting into the Ivy League and Other Top Colleges (Revised ed.) | Hernandez, Michele A | 2009 | New York, NYGrand Central Publishing |
Real Education: Four Simple Truths for Bringing America's Schools Back to Reality | Murray, Charles | 2008 | New York, NYCrown Forum |
Measuring Up: What Educational Testing Really Tells Us | Koretz, Daniel | 2008 | Cambridge, MAHarvard University Press |
The Pursuit of Knowledge: Speeches and Papers of Richard C. Atkinson | Atkinson, Richard C. & Pelfrey, Patricia A | 2007 | Berkeley and Los Angeles, CAUniversity of California Press |
The Power of Privilege: Yale and America’s Elite Colleges | Soares, Joseph A | 2007 | Stanford, CAStanford University Press |
The Price of Admission: How America's Ruling Class Buys Its Way into Elite Colleges--and Who Gets Left Outside the Gates | Golden, Daniel | 2006 | New York, NYCrown Publishing |
On a Scale: A Social History of Writing Assessment in America | Elliot, Norbert | 2005 | New York, NYPeter Lang |
College Unranked: ending the college admissions frenzy | Thacker, Lloyd | 2005 | Cambridge, MAHarvard University Press |
The Chosen: the Hidden History of Admission and Exclusion at Harvard, Yale, and Princeton | Karabel, Jerome | 2005 | Boston, MAHoughton Mifflin |
Choosing Students: Higher Education Admissions Tools for the 21st Century | Camara, Wayne & Kimmel, Ernest W | 2005 | Mahwah, NJLawrence Erlbaum Associates |
Rethinking the SAT: The Future of Standardized Testing in University Admissions | Zwick, Rebecca (Ed.) | 2004 | New York, NYRoutledgeFalmer |
Beyond the Big Test: Noncognitive Assessment in Higher Education | Sedlacek, William | 2004 | San Francisco, CAJohn Wiley & Sons |
Kill the Messenger | Phelps, Richard | 2003 | New Brunswick, NJTransaction Publishers |
The Gatekeepers: inside the admissions process of a premier college | Steinberg, Jacques | 2002 | New York, NYViking |
Fair Game?: the Use of Standardized Admissions Tests in Higher Education | Zwick, Rebecca | 2002 | New York, NYRoutledgeFalmer |
The Truth About Testing: An Educator's Call to Action | Popham, James W | 2001 | Alexandria, VAAssociation for Supervision and Curriculum Development |
The Case Against Standardized Testing: Raising the Scores, Ruining the Schools | Kohn, Alfie (author) and Bridges, Lois (ed.) | 2000 | Portsmouth, NHHeinemann |
Standardized Minds: the High Price of America's testing culture and what we can do to change it | Sacks, Peter | 1999 | Cambridge, MAPerseus Books |
None of the Above: the truth behind the SATs | Owen, David & Doerr, Marilyn | 1999 | Lanham, MDRowman & Littlefield Publishers |
The Big Test: the Secret History of the American meritocracy | Lemann, Nicholas | 1999 | New York, NYFarrar, Straus and Giroux |
The College Admissions Mystique | Mayher, Bill | 1998 | New York, NYFarrar, Straus and Giroux |
The Shape of the River: long-term consequences of considering race in college and university admissions | Bowen, William G., and Bok, Derek Curtis | 1998 | Princeton, NJPrinceton University Press |
The Mismeasure of Man | Gould, Stephen J | 1996 | New York, MYNorton |
The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life | Herrnstein, Richard & Murray, Charles | 1994 | New York, NYFree Press |
Tyranny of Testing | Hoffmann, Banesh | 1978 | Westport, CTGreenwood Press |
The College Board; its first fifty years | Fuess, Claude M | 1950 | New York, NYColumbia University Press |
A Study of Error | Brigham, Carl C | 1932 | New York, NYThe College Entrance Examination Board |
Title | Author | Year | Pages | Source | Article Link |
Some final thoughts on the SAT and ACT | Boeckenstedt, Jon | 2020, January 10 | Admitting Things |
Surprise: College Board and ACT don’t like Test-optional admissions | Boeckenstedt, Jon | 2017, September 22 | Admitting Things |
SAT Problem, Solved | Boeckenstedt, Jon | 2024, June 12 | Admitting Things |
Hot Takes from ACT on Test-optional | Boeckenstedt, Jon | 2016, October 5 | Admitting Things |
Abolish the SAT | Murray, Charles | 2007, July 13 | American Enterprise Institute |
Sweeping Changes to SAT and ACT Accommodations | Applerouth, Jed | 2016, December 15 | Applerouth |
Prep Smarter: How to Make the Most of SAT/ACT Preparation | Applerouth, Jed | 2017, May 8 | Applerouth |
ACT Loses Ground to Redesigned SAT | Applerouth, Jed | 2017, September 13 | Applerouth |
SAT and ACT Cheating Scandals Will Hasten Arrival of Digital Testing | Applerouth, Jed | 2016, September 8 | Applerouth |
New Mexico adopts SAT as requirement for high school juniors | 2019, October 18 | Associated Press |
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ACT Test Scores For Us Students Drop To New 30-Year Low | Mumphrey, Cheyanne | 2023, October 11 | Associated Press |
During test-optional college admissions, exam-prep companies still thrived | Becker, Sam | 2024, April 17 | BBC |
The SAT’s Return Has Frantic Parents Hiring $500-an-Hour Tutors | Cattan, Nacha | 2024, March 19 | Bloomberg |
Elite Colleges Are Trying to Navigate a World Where the SATs Are Optional | Francesca Maglione | 2022, December 7 | Bloomberg |
SAT subject tests lose favor for colleges | Krantz, Laura | 2016, August 22 | Boston Globe |
Goodbye ACT, hello SAT: a significant change for Colorado high schoolers | Gorski, Eric | 2015, December 23 | Chalkbeat |
Oh what a tangled web schools weave: The college rankings game | Morson, Gary Saul & Shapiro, Morton | 2017, August 27 | Chicago Tribune |
Illinois shifts gears on college entrance exams, chooses SAT over ACT | Rado, Diane | 2015 December 21 | Chicago Tribune |
What Keeps Women Out of Elite Colleges? Their SAT Scores | Hoover, Eric | 2014, October 2 | Chronicle of Higher Education |
Here's what happened when these colleges ditched SAT scores | Lobosco, Katie | 2015, September 8 | CNN Money |
College Board Partners with AIR Assessment to Expand Digital SAT Testing | 2017, August 15 | College Board |
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Columbia is Test-Optional | 2023, March 1 | Columbia University |
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Ohio schools must now give ACT or SAT to all juniors | Gilchrist, Shannon | 2017, February 28 | Columbus Dispatch |
Cornell to reinstate standardized test requirements for fall 2026 | Dean, James | 2024, April 22 | Cornell Chronicle |
The biggest lie in college admissions | Meltzer, Erica | 2017, Oct 30 | Critical Reader |
Michigan to dump ACT for SAT as high school requirement | Higgins, Lori | 2015, January 7 | Detroit Free Press |
Less than half of all students fully college-ready on revised SAT test | Gordon, Larry | 2017, September 26 | EdSource |
The SAT Is Making a Comeback. Here’s a Look at the Numbers and What They Tell Us | Najarro, Ileana | 2023, October 25 | Education Week |
Colorado Chooses SAT Over PARCC as High School Test | Gewertz, Catherine | 2015 December 24 | Education Week |
College Board Attacks New ACT Prep Service | Gewertz, Catherine | 2016, April 26 | Education Week |
Barely Half of Colleges Validate Use of SAT, ACT as Success Predictors | Gewertz, Catherine | 2016, June 15 | Education Week |
Dwindling Interest Seen in SAT Subject Tests | Gewertz, Catherine | 2016, August 23 | Education Week |
Former College Board SAT Designer Drawn Into FBI Probe | Gewertz, Catherine | 2016, September 13 | Education Week |
College Board's Statewide SAT Contracts Reaching Twice as Many Students | Gewertz, Catherine | 2016, September 27 | Education Week |
SAT Results 2016: It's Complicated | Gewertz, Catherine | 2016, September 27 | Education Week |
National Testing Landscape Continues to Shift | Gewertz, Catherine | 2017, February 15 | Education Week |
New SAT Yields Higher Scores, But Don't Be Fooled | Gewertz, Catherine | 2017, September 26 | Education Week |
Don’t Use SAT and ACT as Your High School Tests, Study Urges | Gewertz, Catherine | 2018, March 13 | Education Week |
A Computer Can Now Write Your College Essay — Maybe Better Than You Can | Whitford, Emma | 2022, December 9 | Forbes |
Nicholas Lemann’s New Book Makes The Case For Moving Past The SAT | Nietzel, Michael | 2024 September 2 | Forbes |
The Three Biggest Lies in College Admissions | Cohen, Steve | 2012, September 29 | Forbes |
The Invisible Force Behind College Admissions | McGrath, Maggie | 2014, August 18 | Forbes |
Big Changes Are Coming To The ACT Test. Should Students Take It? | White, Scott | 2024 July 18 | Forbes |
Search Cliff: How The Digital PSAT And SAT Will Cripple Student Recruitment | Bhaskara, Vinay | 2024, May 8 | Forbes |
Latest Private Equity Trophy: ACT Test for College Admissions | Whitford, Emma | 2024, April 10 | Forbes |
When Colleges Go Test-Optional, Who Benefits? | Edmonds, Dan | 2015, July 30 | Forbes |
ACT Score Decline: Lost Learners Not Learning Loss | Akil Bello | 2022, October 17 | Forbes |
The Testing Predators Have Beaten ACT And The College Board | Akil Bello | 2022, June 27 | Forbes |
How the SAT Failed America | Adams, Susan | 2020, September 30 | Forbes |
Dropping SAT Won’t Diminish College Board Clout | Paterno, Susan | 2021, May 21 | Forbes |
The Last Days of ETS – pdf | Owen, David | 1983, May | 21-37Harper's |
Beyond the SAT - Nicholas Lemann on revising standardized testing to address real educational needs | Lemann, Nicholas | 2024 September | Harvard Magazine |
Caught cheating: Colleges falsify admissions data for higher rankings | Marcus, Jon | 2013, Mar 20 | Hechinger Report |
Why the new SAT is not the answer | Bello, Akil & Murphy, James S | 2016, March 4 | Hechinger Report |
The real reason that colleges go ‘test-optional’ | Burd, Stephen | 2015, August 26 | Hechinger Report |
College applicants still aren’t submitting SAT, ACT scores at pre-pandemic levels | Bauer-Wolf, Jeremy | 2023, March 30 | Higher Ed Dive |
Number of college applicants sending admissions scores hasn’t rebounded | Jeremy Bauer-Wolf | 2022, November 21 | Higher Ed Dive |
U.S. News rankings don’t ding colleges for lacking SAT and ACT data in nod to test-optional growth | Laura Spitalniak | 2022, September 12 | Higher Ed Dive |
Florida university system approves classical admissions test, an SAT and ACT alternative | Bauer-Wolf, Jeremy | 2023, September 8 | Higher Ed Dive |
NCAA permanently ends SAT, ACT eligibility requirement for Division I, II student-athletes | Bauer-Wolf, Jeremy | 2023, February 7 | Higher Ed Dive |
SATs Have Never Been About Equity | Stetler, Pepper | 2024 August 19 | Inside Higher Ed |
Discord on Test Scores | Jaschik, Scott | 2016, May 16 | Inside Higher Ed |
Layoffs and ‘Transformation’ at a Testing Titan | Knox, Liam | 2023, September 29 | Inside Higher Ed |
What the Supreme Court Rejection of Affirmative Action Means | Jaschik, Scott | 2023 June 29 | Inside Higher Ed |
Report Calls for Merit Scholarships Not to Be Awarded Based on SAT or ACT | Jaschik, Scott | 2023 June 26 | Inside Higher Ed |
Faulty Predictions? New study suggests the SAT may over- or underpredict first-year college grades of hundreds of thousands of students | Jaschik, Scott | 2016, January 26 | Inside Higher Ed |
Coronavirus Drives Colleges to Test Optional | Jaschik, Scott | 2020, March 30 | Inside Higher Ed |
Test Optional Admissions Works – Are You Considering Test Optional Admissions? | Eric Maguire | 2022, August 29 | Inside Higher Ed |
How the SAT Shaped College Admissions [Nicholas Lemann interviewed] | Knox, Liam | 2024 September 16 | Inside Higher Ed |
Why MIT was right to reinstate the SAT (opinion) | Les Perelman | 2022, May 9 | Inside Higher Ed |
Making the Case for Test Optional | Jaschik, Scott | 2018, April 27 | Inside Higher Ed |
Massive Admissions Scandal | Jaschik, Scott | 2019, March 13 | Inside Higher Ed |
Introducing a Shorter, ‘More Flexible’ ACT | Knox, Liam | 2024 July 22 | Inside Higher Ed |
The SAT Enters the 21st Century | Knox, Liam | 2024, March 5 | Inside Higher Ed |
The Misguided War on Test Optional | Bello, Akil | 2024, February 5 | Inside Higher Ed |
Should We Be Worried About High School Grade Inflation? | Murphy, James S. | 2017, September 15 | Inside Higher Ed |
Test Optional — or Maybe Not. | Stone, Elizabeth | 2016/17, December/January | 3-6Insights |
CSU officially drops SAT and ACT from admissions process in major move | Shalby, Colleen & Watanabe, Teresa | 2022, March 23 | Los Angeles Times |
UC slams the door on standardized admissions tests, nixing any SAT alternative | Watanabe, Teresa | 2021, November 18 | Los Angeles Times |
UC makes landmark decision to drop ACT and SAT requirement for admission | Watanabe, Teresa | 2020, May 21 | Los Angeles Times |
Inside the vast national experiment in test-optional college admissions | Erin Einhorn | 2022, April 10 | NBC News |
The SAT’s Not-Quite-Comeback | Burd, Stephen | 2024 November 18 | New America |
The Trouble With Harvard | Pinker, Steven | 2014, September 4 | New Republic |
Don't Send Your Kid to the Ivy League | Deresiewicz, William | 2014, July 21 | New Republic |
Tests of Hereditary Intelligence | Lippmann, Walter | 1922, November 22 | New Republic (Google Books version.) |
Inside the Craziest College-Admissions Season Ever | Selingo, Jeffrey | 2024, March 20 | New York Magazine |
What Does an SAT Score Mean Anymore? | Jeffrey Selingo | 2022, November 2 | New York Magazine |
The Secrecy Behind the College Boards | Brill, Steven | 1974, Oct 7 | New York Magazine (Google Books version.) |
U. of Texas at Austin Will Return to Standardized Test Requirement | Saul, Stephanie | 2024, March 11 | New York Times |
Colleges To Try 'Intelligence' Tests; Entrance Examination Board to Offer Psychological Quizzes for the First Time | 1925, November 11 | New York Times |
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Yale Seeks Relief from Student Rush | 1926, April 18 | New York Times |
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Stanford Becomes Latest School to Reinstate Test Scores Requirement | Knight, Heather | 2024, June 8 | New York Times |
Study of Elite College Admissions Data Suggests Being Very Rich Is Its Own Qualification | Bhatia, Aatish; Cain Miller, Claire and Josh Katz | 2023, July 24 | New York Times |
New SAT Data Highlights the Deep Inequality at the Heart of American Education Miller | Miller, Claire Cain | 2023, October 23 | New York Times |
The Misguided War on the SAT | Leonhardt, David | 2024, January 7 | New York Times |
Some Colleges Have More Students From the Top 1 Percent Than the Bottom 60 | Aisch, Gregor; Buchanan, Larry; Cox, Amanda; and Quealy, Kevin | 2017, January 18 | New York Times |
A Top College Reinstates the SAT | Leonhardt, David | 2024, February 5 | New York Times |
CONANT CRITICIZES ENTRANCE EXAMS; Says Colleges Should Rely More on School Records | Currivan, Gene | 1967, November 13 | 50New York Times |
The Big Problem With the New SAT | Atkinson, Richard C. and Geiser, Saul | 2015 May 4 | New York Times |
The Story Behind the SAT Overhaul | Balf, Todd | 2014, March 6 | New York Times |
University of California Will No Longer Consider SAT and ACT Scores | McDonnell Nieto del Rio, Giulia | 2021, May 15 | New York Times |
Retooling During Pandemic, the SAT Will Drop Essay and Subject Tests | Hartocollis, Anemona; Taylor, Kate and Saul, Stephanie | 2021, January 19 | New York Times |
Actresses, Business Leaders and Other Wealthy Parents Charged in U.S. College Entry Fraud | Medina, Jennifer; Benner, Katie; and Taylor, Kate | 2019, March 12 | New York Times |
This Is Peak College Admissions Insanity Currell, Daniel | Currell, Daniel | 2024, May 1 | New York Times |
M.I.T. Will Again Require SAT and ACT Scores | Cramer, Maria & Medina, Eduardo | 2022, March 28 | New York Times |
Yale Will Try Out An 'Aptitude Test'; University Adopts New Plan to Judge of the Fitness of Entering Students | 1927, February 4 | New York Times |
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Plan Announced at Yale [Harvard, Yale and Princeton mandate the SAT for all applicants] | 1941, Dec 17 | 28New York Times |
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The Test-Optional Surge | Simon, Cecilia Capuzzi | 2015, October 28 | New York Times |
Harvard and Caltech Will Require Test Scores for Admission | Hartocolis, Anemona, and Saul, Stephanie | 2024, April 11 | New York Times |
After SAT Misprint, Two Sections Won’t Be Scored | Rich, Motoko | 2015, June 15 | New York Times |
A Rare Glimpse Inside the Ivy League’s Academic Index | Pennington, Bill | 2012, January 10 | New York Times |
Before Recruiting in Ivy League, Applying Some Math | Pennington, Bill | 2011, December 24 | New York Times |
Behind the Cover Story: Todd Balf on the Coming Changes to the SAT | Nolan, Rachel | 2014, March 10 | New York Times |
A New SAT Aims to Realign With Schoolwork | Lewin, Tamar | 2014, March 5 | New York Times |
The SATs Will Be Different Next Year, and That Could Be a Game-Changer | Grant, Adam | 2023, September 20 | New York Times |
What Colleges Want in an Applicant (Everything) | Hoover, Eric | 2017, November 1 | New York Times |
How Businesses Use Your SATs | Dewan, Shaila | 2016, March 29 | New York Times |
U.S. News Makes Money From Some of Its Biggest Critics: Colleges | Blinder, Alan | 2024, January 6 | New York Times |
The College Boards Fail the Test | Hoffman, Banesh | 1965, Oct 24 | 52New York Times Section MAGAZINE |
Who Gets to Graduate? | Tough, Paul | 2014, May 15. In print 2014, May 18, on page MM26 of the Sunday Magazine | New York Times Sunday Magazine |
Freebies for the Rich | Rampell, Catherine | 2013, September 24. In print 2013, September 29, on Page MM14 of the Sunday Magazine | New York Times Sunday Magazine |
Do ACT and SAT scores really matter? New study says they shouldn’t | Sheffer, Sarah | 2014, Feb 18 | PBS News Hour |
Why Won’t Elite Colleges Deploy the One Race-Neutral Way to Achieve Diversity? | Novicoff, Mark | 2023, September 15 | Politico |
How U.S. News college rankings promote economic inequality on campus | Wermund, Benjamin | 2017, September 10 | Politico |
Amid problems, specialists wonder who's overseeing group that owns SAT | Dudley, Renee | 2017, February 14 | Reuters |
College Board faces rocky path after CEO pushes new vision for SAT | Dudley, Renee | 2016, December 12 | Reuters |
How an industry helps Chinese students cheat their way into and through U.S colleges | Qing, Koh Gui; Harney, Alexandra; Stecklow, Steve; and Pomfret, James | 2016, May 25 | Reuters |
How Asian test-prep companies swiftly exposed the brand-new SAT | Dudley, Renee; Stecklow, Steve; Harney, Alexandra; and Liu, Irene Jay | 2016, March 28 | Reuters |
As SAT was hit by security breaches, College Board went ahead with tests that had leaked | Dudley, Renee; Stecklow, Steve; Harney, Alexandra; and Liu, Irene Jay | 2016, March 28 | Reuters |
College Board chief promises changes to SAT test amid controversies | Dudley, Renee and Stecklow, Steve | 2016, September 23 | Reuters |
Exclusive: FBI raids home of ex-College Board official in probe of SAT leak | Dudley, Renee and Shiffman, John | 2016, August 26 | Reuters |
Despite warnings, College Board redesigned SAT in way that may hurt neediest students | Dudley, Renee | 2016, September 21 | Reuters |
'Massive' breach exposes hundreds of questions for upcoming SAT exams | Dudley, Renee | 2016, August 3 | Reuters |
A REUTERS SERIES: Inside the business of standardized testing and college admissions — Cheat Sheet | Reuters |
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Exclusive: ACT partners with test-prep firms despite signs of cheating in Asia | Stecklow, Steve; Harney, Alexandra; and Park, Ju-min | 2016, September 7 | Reuters |
Students and teachers detail pervasive cheating in a program owned by test giant ACT | Stecklow, Steve; Harney, Alexandra; and Park, Ju-min | 2016, July 25 | Reuters |
How top U.S. colleges hooked up with controversial Chinese companies | Stecklow, Steve and Harney, Alexandra | 2016, December 2 | Reuters |
Exclusive: ACT shakes up security unit, plans audit after cheating reports | Stecklow, Steve and Harney, Alexandra | 2016, August 10 | Reuters |
How a Chinese company bought access to admissions officers at top U.S. colleges | Stecklow, Steve; Dudley, Renee; Pomfret, James; and Harney, Alexandra | 2016, October 14 | Reuters |
Exclusive: U.S. students given SATs that were online before exam | Stecklow, Steve; Dudley, Renee; Harney, Alexandra | 2016, April 20 | Reuters |
College Board tightens SAT exam security, but key risk remains | Stecklow, Steve and Dudley, Renee | 2017, February 22 | Reuters |
Exclusive: U.S. standards council to investigate New Oriental after Reuters report | Stecklow, Steve | 2016, December 2 | Reuters |
Exclusive: ACT cancels test scores in Asia after leak of essay question | Stecklow, Steve | 2016, November 3 | Reuters |
UC settles student lawsuit, agrees not to use SAT, ACT scores in admissions | Asimov, Nanette | 2021, May 14 | San Francisco Chronicle |
California teens forced to travel hundreds of miles to take the SAT | Medina, Madilinne | 2024, June 7 | SF Gate |
The Sooner We Start Thinking of the College Board as a Business, the Better | Boeckenstedt, Jon | Slate |
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Has the Pandemic Put an End to the SAT and ACT? | Dance, Amber | 2021, July 15 | Smithsonian Magazine |
The College-Admissions Merit Myth | Adam Harris | 2022, October 31 | The Atlantic |
The Single Biggest Fix for Inequality at Elite Colleges | Deming, David | 2023, December 5 | The Atlantic |
The SAT: A New Core Subject in Schools? | Murphy, James S | 2015, June | The Atlantic |
How Hard Is the New SAT? | Murphy, James S | 2016, May | The Atlantic |
The Structure of Success in America | Lemann, Nicholas | 1995, August | pages 41-60The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 276, No.2 |
The Great Sorting | Lemann, Nicholas | 1995, September | pages 84-100The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 276, No.3 |
After ‘Varsity Blues’ scandal, lots of talk about overhauling college admissions. Will there be action? | Willen, Liz | 2020, February 4 | The Hechinger Report |
In college admissions, ‘test-optional’ is the new normal | Daniel de Visé | 2022, December 2 | The Hill |
Bay Area students struggle to find SAT slots as schools reverse test-optional policies | Gibbs, Molly and Mukherjee, Shomik | 2024 July 18 | The Mercury News |
How the Pandemic remade the SAT | Eren Orbey | 2022, May 24 | The New Yorker |
Re-ACT: State’s [Illinois] return to ACT is ‘disappointing' | Engles, Zoe | 2024 August 11 | The Record |
Education: Cure for Chaos | 1950, November 6 | TIME |
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A Year After the College Admissions Scandal, Here's What Has (and Has Not) Changed | Reilly, Katie | 2020, March 12 | TIME Magazine |
Reinstating the SATs Will Only Make Rich Kids Richer | Mandery, Evan | 2024, April 18 | TIME Magazine |
How the SATs lost their grip on college admissions | Carey, Kevin | 2023, May 2 | Vox |
Supreme Court Hears Arguments on Race in College Admissions | Jess Bravin & Melissa Korn | 2022, October 31 | Wall Street Journal |
Cheat Sheets: Colleges Inflate SATs and Graduation Rates in Popular Guidebooks Schools Say They Must Fib to U.S. News and Others to Compete Effectively. Moody's Requires the Truth | Stecklow, Steve | 1995, April 5 | Wall Street Journal |
For Sale: SAT-Takers’ Names. Colleges Buy Student Data and Boost Exclusivity | Belkin, Douglas | 2019, November 5 | Wall Street Journal |
SAT Changes Will Make Exam Shorter, Simpler and Digital | Belkin, Douglas | 2022, Jan 25 | Wall Street Journal |
Colleges Weigh New Admissions Strategies | Melissa Korn | 2022, August 9 | Wall Street Journal |
More Students Are Taking Optional SAT and ACT, Hoping to Stand Out | Isabel Sarraf | 2022, July 1 | Wall Street Journal |
Colorado College Withdraws From U.S. News & World Report Undergrad Ranking | Korn, Melissa | 2023, February 27 | Wall Street Journal |
Supreme Court Strikes Down Affirmative Action in College Admissions | Bravin, Jess | 2023 June 29 | Wall Street Journal |
More than 80% of US colleges cling to test-optional admissions despite COVID-19 receding | Poff, Jeremiah | 2023, February 12 | Washington Examiner |
Yale will again require standardized test scores for admission | Svrluga, Susan | 2024, February 22 | Washington Post |
Dartmouth will require SAT scores from applicants again | Svrluga, Susan | 2024, February 5 | Washington Post |
Harvard and Caltech will require test scores for admission again | Svrluga, Susan | 2024, April 11 | Washington Post |
Why getting into elite colleges is harder for women | Birger, Jon | 2015, July 30 | Washington Post |
‘We didn’t know it was this bad’: New ACT scores show huge achievement gaps | Anderson, Nick | 2017, September 7 | Washington Post |
New SAT scores sow confusion over how to tell a good result | Anderson, Nick | 2017, September 26 | Washington Post |
Brown University will require SAT scores again | Svrluga, Susan and Natanson, Hannah | 2024, March 5 | Washington Post |
Why MIT is an outlier in reinstating SAT/ACT scores for admissions | Bob Schaeffer | 2022, April 20 | Washington Post |
Harvard won’t require SAT or ACT through 2026 as test-opional push grows | Anderson, Nick | 2021, December 16 | Washington Post |
A shake-up in elite admissions: U-Chicago drops SAT/ACT testing requirement | Anderson, Nick | 2018, June 14 | Washington Post |
Can coaching truly boost SAT scores? For years, the College Board said no. Now it says yes | Strauss, Valerie | 2017, May 9 | Washington Post |
The list of test-optional colleges and universities keeps growing — despite College Board’s latest jab | Strauss, Valerie | 2017, April 12 | Washington Post |
How the SAT and PSAT collect personal data on students — and what the College Board does with it | Strauss, Valerie | 2017, March 30 | Washington Post |
Study: High school grades best predictor of college success — not SAT/ACT scores | Strauss, Valerie | 2014, February 21 | Washington Post |
College admits inflating SAT scores to boost ranking | Strauss, Valerie | 2012, January 31 | Washington Post |
Why do U.S. News rankings punish test-optional colleges? | Rosen, David | 2017, October 23 | Washington Post |
George Washington U. gets more diverse after ditching admission test mandate | Anderson, Nick | 2016, November 22 | Washington Post |
Bombed the SAT or the ACT? Here are colleges that are ‘test-optional.’ | Anderson, Nick | 2015, July 27 | Washington Post |
George Washington University applicants no longer need to take admissions tests | Anderson, Nick | 2015, July 27 | Washington Post |
College Board's SAT Selected for Statewide High School Assessment | 2017, September 13 | West Virginia Department of Education |
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Why High School Students Don’t Need the SAT Anymore | Akil Bello and Harry Feder | 2022, November 4 | Word In Black |
Illinois Moving Back to ACT as Required Exam for High School Graduation | Masterson, Matt | 2024, May 16 | WTTW News |
Title | Author | Year | Pages | Source | Article Link |
Testing the Way Forward: The Impact of Statewide ACT or SAT Testing on Postsecondary Outcomes | Swiderski, Tom | 2024 October | Vol. XX, No. X, pp. 1–21Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis Month |
Classic Learning Test Concordance with the SAT | College Board Research | 2024 May | College Board |
Has the Relationship Between College Readiness Measures and Developmental Course Placement Changed in Recent Years? | Sanchez, Edgar I. | 2024 May | ACT Research |
Report From Working Group on the Role of Standardized Test Scores in Undergraduate Admissions | Cascio, Elizabeth et al. | 2024 January | Dartmouth College |
Recommendations of the Ad Hoc Committee on Admissions Policies: Executive Summary | Ad Hoc Committee on Admissions Policies | 2024 February | Brown University |
The disparate impacts of college admissions policies on Asian American applicants | Grossman, Joshua et al. | 2024 February | volume 14, Article number 4449 (2024)Scientific Reports |
The Use of Standardized Testing in Admissions: Summary of Key Findings | Cornell University Task Force on Testing in Admissions | 2024 April | Cornell University |
Digital SAT Validity Study – A Comprehensive Analysis of First-Year College Outcomes | Westrick, Paul A. et al. | 2023 September | College Board |
Contextualized High School Performance: Evidence to Inform Equitable Holistic, Test-Optional, and Test-Free Admissions Policies | Bastedo, Michael N., Umbricht, Mark, and Bai, Yiping | 2023 September | Aera Open (American Educational Research Association) |
The Role of Standardized Tests in College Admissions | Zwick, Rebecca | 2023 June | Civil Rights Project UCLA |
Diversifying Society’s Leaders? The Determinants and Causal Effects of Admission to Highly Selective Private Colleges | Chetty, Raj; Deming, David J. and Friedman, John N. | 2023 | National Bureau of Economic Research |
The Concordance Relationship Between the Classic Learning Test (CLT) and the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) | Gardner, Tracy et al. | 2023 | Classic Learning Test |
Race-Conscious Affirmative Action - What’s Next | Carnevale, Anthony P.; Mabel, Zachary and Campbell, Kathryn Peltier | 2023 | Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce |
Merit Awards: Myths, Realities, & Barriers to Access - An Analysis of the Prevalence of Test-Based Scholarships | Bello, Akil & Feder, Harry | 2023 | |
Higher Education Brief: Classic Learning Test Concordance with the SAT | 2023 | The College Board |
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School-Day Administration of the ACT Test: Removing Barriers and Opening Doors for All Students | Allen, Jeff, Cruce, Ty & Dingler, Colin | 2023 | ACT, Inc. |
Higher Education Brief: Classic Learning Test Concordance with the SAT | 2023 | College Board |
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Private, selective colleges are most likely to use race, ethnicity as a factor in admissions decisions | DeSilver, Drew | 2023 | Pew Research Center |
New Evidence on Recent Changes in College Applications, Admissions, and Enrollments | College Board Research | 2022 | College Board |
An Updated Look at SAT Score Relationships with College Degree Completion | Westrick, Paul A., Marini, Jessica P. and Shaw, Emily J. | 2022 | College Board |
Digital SAT Score Relationships with Other Educational Measures: Early Convergent Validity Evidence | Marini, Jessica P.; Westrick, Paul A.; Young, Linda; Shaw, Emily J. | 2022 | College Board |
Grade Inflation Continues to Grow in the Past Decade | Sanchez, Edgar I. & Moore, Raeal | 2022 | ACT, Inc. |
What the Students for Fair Admissions Cases Reveal About Racial Preferences | Arcidiacono, Peter; Kinsler, Josh & Ransom, Tyler | 2022 | National Bureau of Economic Research |
Deadline update: first-year application trends through March 15 (Common App) | Freeman, Mark et al. | 2022 | Common App |
Illustrating Comparability of ACT Scale Scores from Paper and Online Testing | Steedle, Jeffrey | 2022 | ACT, Inc. |
Examining the COVID-19 Pandemic’s Impacts on ACT Scores | Jeff Allen | 2022 | ACT Research |
Inflection Point: The Role of Testing in Admissions Decisions in a Postpandemic Environment | Camara, Wayne & Mattern, Krista | 2022 | Educational Measurement Issues and Practice 41(1) |
Examining the Stability of SAT Predictive Relationships Across Cohorts and Over Time | Marini, Jessica et al. | 2021 | College Board |
Applying to college in a test-optional admissions landscape: trends from Common App data | Freeman, Mark et al. | 2021 | Common App |
Untested Admissions: Examining Changes in Application Behaviors and Student Demographics Under Test-Optional Policies | Bennett, Christopher T. | 2021 | American Educational Research Association |
Essay Content is Strongly Related to Household Income and SAT Scores: Evidence from 60,000 Undergraduate Applications | Alvero, AJ., Giebel, S., Gebre-Medhin, B., Antonio, A.L., Stevens, M.L., & Domingue, B.W. | 2021 | Science Advances; Vol. 7, Issue 42 |
University of California Standardized Testing Task Force Report | Comeaux, Eddie & Sanchez, Henry (co-Chairs) | 2020 | University of California Standardized Testing Task Force |
Ensuring All Students Have Access to Higher Education: The Role of Standardized Testing in the Time of COVID-19 and Beyond | NACAC Task Force on Standardized Admission Testing | 2020 | National Association for College Admission Counseling |
Relationship of the SAT to College Performance at the University of California | 2020 | University of California |
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High School GPAs and ACT Scores as Predictors of College Completion: Examining Assumptions About Consistency Across High Schools | Allensworth, Elaine M. & Clark, Kallie | 2020 | pp. 198–211Educational Researcher; Volume 49 Issue 3 |
SAT/ACT Scores, High-School GPA, and the problem of Omitted Variable Bias: Why the UC Taskforce’s Findings are Spurious | Geiser, Saul | 2020 | UC Berkeley Center for Studies in Higher Education |
Predicting College Success: How Do Different High School Assessments Measure Up? | Kurlaender, Michael & Coen, Kramer | 2019 | Stanford Graduate School of Education - Policy Analysis for California Education |
2019 State of College Admission | Clinedinst, Melissa | 2019 | National Association for College Admission Counseling |
Validity of the SAT for Predicting First-Year Grades and Retention to the Second Year | Westrick, Paul A.; Marini, Jessica P.; Young, Linda et al. | 2019 | College Board |
Validity of SAT Essay Scores for Predicting First-Year Grades | Marini, Jessica P.; Westrick, Paul A.; Young, Linda et al. | 2019 | College Board |
What We Know, Are Still Getting Wrong, and Have Yet to Learn about the Relationships among the SAT, Intelligence and Achievement | Frey, Meredith C. | 2019 | Journal of Intelligence; Dec; 7(4): 26. |
Defining Access: How Test-Optional Works | Syverson, Steven T.; Franks, Valerie W., & Hiss, William C. | 2018 | National Association for College Admission Counseling |
General Intelligence (g), ACT Scores, and Theory of Mind: (ACT)g Predicts Limited Variance Among Theory of Mind Tests | Coyle, Thomas R.; Elpers, Karrie E.; Gonzalez, Miguel C. et al. | 2018 | 85-91Intelligence; Volume 71, November–December |
Investigating Test Prep Impact on Score Gains Using Quasi-Experimental Propensity Score Matching | Moore, Raeal; Sanchez, Edgar & San Pedro, Maria Ofelia | 2018 | ACT, Inc. |
ACT for All: The Effect of Mandatory College Entrance Exams on Postsecondary Attainment and Choice | Hyman, J | 2017 | 12(3), 281-311Education Finance and Policy |
State of College Admission 2017 | Clinedinst, M. & Koranteng, Anna-Maria | 2017 | National Association of College Admissions Counseling |
Preparing for the SAT: A Review | Applerouth, J. I., & Zabrucky, K. M | 2017 | 92(1), 2-17College & University |
Demonstrated Interest: Signaling Behavior In College Admissions | Dearden, J.A. James A., Li, Suhui, Meyerhoefer, C.D., and Yang, Muzhe | 2017 | 35(4) 630-657Contemporary Economic Policy |
A Proposal To Eliminate The SAT In Berkeley Admissions | Geiser, Saul | 2016 | Center for Studies in Higher Education |
Differential prediction generalization in college admissions testing | Aguinis, H., Culpepper, S. A., & Pierce, C. A | 2016 | 108(7), 1045-1059Journal of Educational Psychology |
Use of Predictive Validity Studies to Inform Admission Practices | 2016 | National Association of College Admissions Counseling |
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General and non-general intelligence factors simultaneously influence SAT, SAT-V, and SAT-M performance | Hannon, Brenda | 2016 | 59, 51-63Intelligence |
The Redesigned SAT Pilot Predictive Validity Study: A First Look | Shaw, E.J., Marini, J.P., Beard, J., Shmueli, D., Young, L., Ng, H | 2016 | College Board |
Preparing students for college admissions tests | Applerouth, J. I., Zabrucky, K. M, and Moore, D | 2015 | 24(1), 78-95Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice |
The Growing Correlation Between Race and Sat Scores: New Findings From California | Geiser, Saul | 2015 | Center for Studies in Higher Education, University Of California, Berkeley |
The Impact of Participation in the Advanced Placement Program on Students' College Admissions Test Scores | Warne, R.T., Larsen, R., Anderson, B. and Odasso, A | 2015 | 108(5), 400-416The Journal of Educational Research |
The relationship between siblings’ college choices: Evidence from one million SAT-taking families | Goodman, J., Hurwitz, M., Smith, J., Fox, J | 2015 | 48, 75-85Economics of Education Review |
Why are Women Underrepresented in Elite Colleges and Universities? A Non-Linear Decomposition Analysis | Bielby, R. Posselt, J.R., Jaquette, O., & Bastedo, M.N | 2014 | 55(8), 735-760Research in Higher Education |
Synthesis of Recent SAT Validity Findings: Trend Data over Time and Cohorts 2014-1 | Mattern, K.D. & Patterson, B.F | 2014 | College Board |
The Test-Optional Movement at America’s Selective Liberal Arts Colleges: A Boon for Equity or Something Else? | Belasco, A.S., Rosinger, K.O., and Hearn, J.C | 2014 | 20(10), 1-18Educational Evaluation And Policy Analysis |
Predicting College Success: The Relative Contributions of Five Social/Personality Factors, Five Cognitive/Learning Factors, and SAT Scores | Hannon, B | 2014 | 2(4), 46–58Journal of Education and Training Studies |
Ability tilt on the SAT and ACT predicts specific abilities and college majors | Coyle, T.R., Purcell, J.M., Snyder, A.C., Richmond, M.C | 2014 | 46, 18-24Intelligence |
Defining Promise: Optional Standardized Testing Policies In American College And University Admissions | Hiss, W.C. & Franks, V.W | 2014 | NACAC |
Expanding College Opportunities for High-Achieving, Low-Income Students | Hoxby, C. & Turner, S | 2013 | Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research |
Voluntary disclosure and the strategic behavior of colleges | Conlin, M. Dickert-Conlin S., and Chapman, G | 2013 | 96, 48–64Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization |
Non-g residuals of the SAT and ACT predict specific abilities | Coyle, T.R., Purcell, J.M., Snyder, A.C., Kochunov, P | 2013 | 41(2), 114-120Intelligence |
Timing Matters: Test Preparation, Race, and Grade Level | Devine-Eller, A | 2012 | 27(2), 458-480Sociological Forum |
Test anxiety and performance-avoidance goals explain gender differences in SAT-V, SAT-M, and overall SAT scores | Hannon, B | 2012 | 53(7), 816-820Personality and Individual Differences |
The Missing "One-Offs": The Hidden Supply of High-Achieving, Low Income Students | Hoxby, C.M. & Avery, C | 2012 | National Bureau Of Economic Research |
The Role of Socioeconomic Status in SAT-Grade Relationships and in College Admissions Decisions | P. R. Sackett, N. R. Kuncel, A. S. Beatty, J. L. Rigdon, W. Shen, T. B. Kiger | 2012 | 23(9), 1000–1007Psychological Science |
Linking Admission Strategies to Student Retention | Cortes, C.M. & Kalsbeek, D.H | 2012 | DePaul University, Enrollment Management and Marketing |
SAT predicts GPA better for high ability subjects: Implications for Spearman’s Law of Diminishing Returns | Coyle, T., Snyder, A., Pillow, D., Kochunov, P | 2011 | 50(4), 470-474Personality and Individual Differences |
SAT Performance: Understanding the Contributions of Cognitive/Learning and Social/Personality Factors | Hannon, B. & McNaughton-Cassill, M | 2011 | 25(4), 528-535Applied Cognitive Psychology |
Systematic reviews of the effects of preparatory courses on university entrance examinations in high school-age students | Montgomery, P. & Lilly, J | 2011 | 21(1), 3-12International Journal of Social Welfare |
The impact of legacy status on undergraduate admissions at elite colleges and universities | Hurwitz, M | 2011 | 30(3), 480-492Economics of Education Review |
Standardized Admission Tests, College Performance, and Campus Diversity | Espenshade, T.J. & Chung, C.Y | 2010 | Office of Population Research, Princeton University |
Beyond the Threshold Hypothesis: Even Among the Gifted and Top Math/Science Graduate Students, Cognitive Abilities, Vocational Interests, and Lifestyle Preferences Matter for Career Choice, Performance, and Persistence | Robertson, K.F., Smeets, S., Lubinski, D., and Benbow, C.P | 2010 | 19(6), 346-351Current Directions in Psychological Science |
Prediction of 4-year college student performance using cognitive and noncognitive predictors and the impact on demographic status of admitted students | Schmitt, N., Keeney, J., Oswald, F.L., Pleskac, T.J., Billington, A.Q., Sinha, R. and Zorzie, M | 2009 | 94(6), 1479-97Journal of Applied Psychology |
Preparation for College Admission Exams | Briggs, D.C | 2009 | National Association for College Admissions Counseling |
The Changing Selectivity of American Colleges | Hoxby, C | 2009 | 23(4), 95-118Journal of Economic Perspectives |
Reflections on a Century of College Admissions Tests | Atkinson, R.C. & Geiser, S | 2009 | 38(9), 665–676Educational Researcher |
Socioeconomic Status and the Relationship Between the SAT and Freshman GPA: An Analysis of Data from 41 Colleges and Universities | Sackett, P.R., Kuncel, N.R., Arneson, J.J. Cooper, S.R., and Waters, S.D | 2009 | The College Board |
Report of the Commission on the Use of Standardized Tests in Undergraduate Admission | 2008 | National Association of College Admissions Counseling |
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ACT and general cognitive ability | Koenig, K.A., Frey, M.C., and Detterman, D.K | 2007 | 36(2), 153-160Intelligence |
The Rainbow Project: Enhancing the SAT through assessments of analytical, practical, and creative skills | Sternberg, R.J | 2006 | 34, 321–350Intelligence |
Do Psychosocial and Study Skill Factors Predict College Outcomes? A Meta-Analysis | Robbins, S.B., Lauver, K., Le, H., Davis, D., Langley, R., Carlstrom, A | 2004 | 130(2), 261–288Psychological Bulletin |
Scholastic Assessment or g? The Relationship Between the Scholastic Assessment Test and General Cognitive Ability | Frey, M.C. & Detterman, D.K | 2004 | 15(6), 373-378Psychological Science |
College performance predictions and the SAT | Rothstein, J.M | 2003 | 10(3)Journal of Econometrics |
Seeking every advantage: the phenomenon of taking both the SAT and ACT | Thomas, M.K | 2003 | 23, 203–208Economics of Education Review |
A Historical Perspective on the Content of the SAT | Lawrence, I.M., Rigol, G.W., Van Essen, T., Jackson, C.A | 2003 | College Board Research Report |
UC and the SAT: Predictive Validity and Differential Impact of the SAT I and SAT II at the University of California | Geiser, S. & Studley, R | 2001 | University of California Office of the President |
The Big Men. Journal of Curriculum Studies | Téllez, K | 2001 | 33(2), 247–260University of California, Santa Cruz |
Carl Campbell Brigham, the Native Intelligence Hypothesis, and the Scholastic Aptitude Test | Saretzky, G.D | 1982 | Educational Testing Service, Research Publications |
New Methods for the Diagnosis of the Intellectual Level of Subnormals | Binet, Alfred | 1905 | 12, 191-244L'Année Psychologique |